Client Related
These functions are only available in @vuepress/helper/client
Composables APIs
Check whether a component is registered globally.
- Local import of the component does not affect the result.
- When calling outside
scope, you need to pass theapp
instance as the second parameter.
export const hasGlobalComponent: (name: string, app?: App) => boolean
// if you globally register `<my-component>`
hasGlobalComponent('MyComponent') // true
hasGlobalComponent('my-component') // true
hasGlobalComponent('MyComponent2') // false
Get current locale config from locales settings.
export const useLocaleConfig: <T extends LocaleData>(
localesConfig: RequiredLocaleConfig<T>,
) => ComputedRef<T>
const localesCOnfig = {
'/': 'Title',
'/zh/': '标题',
const locale = useLocaleConfig(localesConfig)
// under `/page`
locale.value // 'Title'
// under `/zh/page`
locale.value // '标题'
Get headers from current page.
export const getHeaders: (options: GetHeadersOptions) => HeaderItem[]
export interface GetHeadersOptions {
* The selector of the headers.
* It will be passed as an argument to `document.querySelectorAll(selector)`,
* so you should pass a `CSS Selector` string.
* @default '[vp-content] h1, [vp-content] h2, [vp-content] h3, [vp-content] h4, [vp-content] h5, [vp-content] h6'
selector?: string
* Ignore specific elements within the header.
* The Array of `CSS Selector`
* @default []
ignore?: string[]
* The levels of the headers
* - `false`: No headers.
* - `number`: only headings of that level will be displayed.
* - `[number, number]: headings level tuple, where the first number should be less than the second number, for example, `[2, 4]` which means all headings from `<h2>` to `<h4>` will be displayed.
* - `deep`: same as `[2, 6]`, which means all headings from `<h2>` to `<h6>` will be displayed.
* @default 2
levels?: HeaderLevels
interface PageHeader {
* The level of the header
* `1` to `6` for `<h1>` to `<h6>`
level: number
* The title of the header
title: string
* The slug of the header
* Typically the `id` attr of the header anchor
slug: string
* Link of the header
* Typically using `#${slug}` as the anchor hash
link: string
* The children of the header
children: MarkdownItHeader[]
export type HeaderLevels = number | 'deep' | false | [number, number]
export type HeaderItem = Omit<PageHeader, 'children'> & {
element: HTMLHeadingElement
children?: HeaderItem[]
onMounted(() => {
const headers = getHeaders({
selector: '[vp-content] :where(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)',
levels: [2, 3], // only h2 and h3
ignore: ['.badge'], // ignore the <Badge /> within the header
Provides fade-in transition effects when block-level elements expand, supporting both height
or width
interface FadeInExpandTransitionProps {
* Whether to group transitions
group?: boolean
* Transition mode
mode?: 'default' | 'in-out' | 'out-in'
* Whether to switch to the transition of `width`
* @default false
width?: boolean
appear?: boolean
onLeave?: () => void
onAfterEnter?: () => void
onAfterLeave?: () => void
Import Styles:
Transition animations require importing the following CSS files as needed:
transition animation@vuepress/helper/transition/fade-in-width-expand.css
transition animation
Only one CSS file needs to be imported
<script setup lang="ts">
import { FadeInExpandTransition } from '@vuepress/helper/client'
import { ref } from 'vue'
import '@vuepress/helper/transition/fade-in-height-expand.css'
// import '@vuepress/helper/transition/fade-in-width-expand.css'
const expand = ref(false)
<button type="button" @click="expand = !expand">
{{ expand ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand' }}
<div v-show="expand">